In this video, I open up an LED yard light (aka “garden light”) and show you what’s inside. Read on…

In this video, I open up an LED yard light (aka “garden light”) and show you what’s inside. Read on…
In this video, I open up a compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL) and salvage the electrical components inside. Read on…
My grandfather taught me how to replace light switches and power outlets when I was a young kid. It is very easy to do. In this video, I show you just how easy it is. Read on…
I’ve heard that component cables provide higher picture quality than s-video and composite cables but I wanted to find out if this was true and if so, to what extent. I tried all 3 cable types on a DVD player, Wii, and PS2. The cables fed into a 32″ LCD HDTV. I played the same test image on all 3 devices. I photographed the TV screen with a digital camera on a tripod with a timer so that there would be no shake. Read on…
Updated: 13 December 2010 (Wii Sports Resort Golf images added)
Share This:I recently got into pinhole photography and needed a light meter to calculate exposure times. Light meter are ridiculously expensive and I figured there had to be a way to make one myself and it turns out, I was right. I will walk you through how to make a light meter from a cheap battery tester and a solar cell ripped from a calculator. You should be able to make one yourself for significantly less than $10. Read on…
I acquired a large, odd shaped, glass jar that I thought would make a cool aquarium. Due to the strange shape, a traditional aquarium hood/light combo would not work on this aquarium. I decided that a cheap aluminum 8.5″ clamp light would work well but I needed a way to hang it over the tank so I designed and build this simple wooden stand. This lamp stand can be completed easily and cheaply. Read on…
The NiCd batteries for my old Craftsman 18Volt cordless drill finally died and I have been unable to fix them (yet). I figured out that a new drill would cost about the same as 2 new batteries so, I went shopping for a new cordless drill. I did a TON of homework, checked out a bunch of different drills, and finally decided on the Craftsman NEXTEC 12Volt Lithium-ion drill. What follows is my review of that drill after using it for several months. Read on…
Updated: 23 March 2010
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